Certification Course Interest Form

Hosting in-house certification program can be difficult. Spending the time and money to travel to a location where the course is offered can also be a challenge.

That is why ATD-LA contracts with professional vendors to host certification and train-the-trainer courses locally. These vendors are not employees of the chapter. Rather, they are experts within their field. These courses include:  

  • Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) Study Group
  • Coaching Skills
  • CPTD (formerly CPLP) Study Group
  • DDI Exceptional Leadership
  • DeBono’s Six Hats
  • DISC 
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Instructional Design
  • Myers–Briggs Type IndicatorMBTI
  • Project Management
  • Trainer Delivery Skills
  • Situational Leadership

Visit our Workshop Calendar to see if a class that you are interested in is currently being offered.

If we are not currently offering the class you want, complete our Certification Interest Form at the bottom of this page, and we will contact you when we have enough interest for your course.

Find descriptions of a few of these courses below.

Advanced Presentation Skills 

Advanced presentation skills include controlling gestures, relaxing your nerves and delivering a confident performance that has a desired impact on your audience. For some the thought of standing at a podium, holding a microphone, will them give stage fright.

Presenting is a form of communication and it is usually a part of every day business. Whether you get up in front of formal audiences on a regular basis, pitch sales or you simply want to express your thoughts at a meeting, you're using presentation skills.

Why do I need it?

Presentation skills are important for anyone (not just trainers) who must give presentations, speeches, or lectures.  It will help you overcome your public speaking fears and give you the confidence to deliver polished presentations anywhere, anytime. Leave with your own video-recorded presentation and loads of invaluable feedback.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone interested in going to the next level as a trainer and presenter
  • Trainers of all levels and specialties
  • Those interested in getting valuable coaching and feedback

Why Certification?

The certification includes a mixture of elements. After an intense training, you and your fellow participants will:

  • Build comfort using the training materials (e.g., PowerPoint, handouts, notes)
  • Generate key ideas to shape the content of your presentation
  • Develop a presentation that is tailored to your audience
  • Reinforce your presentation with supporting material
  • Organize the flow of your presentation
  • Practice delivering an impressive presentation


Typically instructor certifications include a kit and other supplies. To help you budget or save for the occasion rates may range from: $450 to $500.(Exact rate may vary and subject to change.) 

Train the Trainer Program 

Design and delivery skills are the core foundation to all talent development practitioners. Stepping into a classroom takes practice, strategy and preparedness - and not shooting from the hip! Great facilitators control their nervous energy, use appropriate gestures and engage learners with meaningful activities.

Stop faking it until you make it, and get the training you need to be a polished instructor or facilitator. Adult learning is a form of communication and it is usually a part of every day business. Whether you get up in front of formal audiences on a regular basis, pitch sales or you simply want to express your thoughts at a meeting, you're using presentation skills. These courses will put you on the road to success.

The train the trainer program is offered in a bundle and separately. Training design and training delivery. 

Who Should Attend? 

  • Anyone interested in going to the being a stronger facilitator
  • Instructors or human resources roles of all levels and specialties
  • Those interested in getting valuable coaching and feedback about design and delivery skills

Training Design

Taught by experts in the training field, and members of the chapter, this course offers participants the initial needs of training needs analysis through the development of instructional training materials, and the presentation of training solution. Afterward, conducting the final evaluations.

Training Delivery 

This course is interactive and designed to help you deliver impacting presentations for business meetings, conferences and special events, or classroom assignments. Since the learning environment is highly interactive, participants will receive individual feedback for enhanced performance.

DISC Train the Trainer Certification 

DISC is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different behavioral traits: Dominance, inducement, submission, and compliance.

Why certify in DISC?

Certification builds the resumes for internal trainers, human resources professionals and consultants with in-depth training on the theory and practice of Dr. Maston’s behaviors styles, by using DISC. This course gives you more skill and confidence when leading DiSC programs in a coaching, training, or consulting setting.

Why certification?

Certified trainers in DISC provide expertise and knowledge to solve business problems. Certification empowers trainers and consultants to become an expert in DISC tools and theory. After an intense DISC training, you and your fellow participants will understand DiSC backwards, forwards, and inside-out, plus:

  • Feel fully confident leading DISC workshops in your organization and using DISC for one-on-one coaching and feedback
  • Know how to administer, score, interpret, and explain the various DISC profiles
  • Be comfortable with the full range of DISC programs, and know which particular profile to use in a given situation (such as leadership development, conflict management, sales force effectiveness, talent management, etc.)
  • Have a repertoire of fun, engaging exercises to drive home the learning experience
  • Build comfort using the training materials (e.g., PowerPoint, video clips, scripted leader’s guide, and exercises) and tailoring it to your specific needs

Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i 2.0) Certification

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic.

What is EQ-I?

The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) is the first scientifically validated and most widely used Emotional Intelligence assessment in the world. Based on more than 20 years of research worldwide, the EQ-i 2.0 examines an individual's social and emotional strengths and weaknesses.

Why Certification?

Build your resume with an instrument that is used in many countries. The EQ-i 2.0 Certification Workshop prepares you to administer and interpret the EQ-i 2.0 assessments, provide feedback on the results. After an intense training, you and your fellow participants will:

  • Use the assessments for richer one-on-one coaching and feedback
  • Understand the results from assessments and respond to questions the participant may have about the reports
  • Become confident leading workshops at your organization
  • Know how to administer, score, interpret, and explain the various behavioral drivers
  • Build comfort using the training materials (e.g., PowerPoint, video clips, scripted leader’s guide, and exercises) and tailoring it to your specific needs

CPLP Study Group

This is ATD-Los Angeles Chapter's CPLP preparation study group. This program is taught virtually using Citrix in a cohort style. The first session is an orientation, which allows potential participants to learn about the program. The CPLP curriculum provides valuable broad-based exposure to ATD's ten areas of expertise and hope you will join our dynamic learning community.

The curriculum and class schedule is aligned with the 10 ATD Learning System modules, which were updated in 2013. To join the cohort study group you will need to do the following:

Class Schedule

Study Group Topic


CPLP Orientation & Overview

1 hour

AOE 1: Performance Improvement

2 hours

AOE 2: Instructional Design

2 hours

AOE 3: Training Delivery

2 hours

AOE 4: Learning Technologies

1 hour

AOE 5: Evaluating Learning Programs

2 hours

AOE 6: Managing Learning Programs

2 hours

AOE 7: Integrated Talent Management

2 hours

AOE 8: Coaching

2 hours

AOE 9: Knowledge Management

2 hours

AOE 10: Change Management

2 hours

Work Prep

1 hour

Exam Prep & Wrap Up

1 hour

Ready to Study Now?
CPLP Learning System—The Official Resource for CPLP Study

The ATD Learning System is the complete, self-directed learning resource for individuals preparing for the knowledge-based exam section of the CPLP™.

Help earn revenue for our chapter! Be sure to enter our chapter’s ChIP code CH8028 when you order the CPLP Learning System on the ATD store: https://www.td.org/Publications/Books/ASTD-Learning-System

Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) - Study Group

The ATD Certification Institute (ATD CI) is creating a new certification for talent development professionals who are in the early part of their careers or whose professional roles and aspirations are focused on a few areas of expertise. It may be a destination for some or a stepping stone to the CPLP for others.

Why is this certification being developed?

The APTD will serve the needs of talent development professionals who are in the early part of their careers or whose professional roles and aspirations are focused on a few areas of expertise (AOEs). We frequently hear from practitioners around the world that they are interested in differentiating their expertise, but with a narrower focus than the CPLP certification (which covers 10 AOEs and one foundational competency).

How much work experience is required for this new certification?

Individuals who have at least three years of experience, or the equivalent, in talent development or related disciplines, are eligible.

What competencies will this certification focus on?

This certification will focus primarily three AOEs from the ATD Competency Model on which it is based. The AOEs are Instructional Design, Training Delivery, and Learning Technologies. Evaluating Learning Impact and the foundational competency of Global Mindset also will be included throughout the exam. These competencies were identified by the research as core building blocks for talent development professionals and are part of The ATD Competency Model.

For more information, visit: https://www.td.org/Certification/New-Credential

Certification Interest Form

Interested in one of the above programs? Periodically the chapter will host certification courses so that you don’t need to. This allows other members to fill up the class and meet the minimum threshold for the vendors to proceed with it, ensures group activities have enough participants and gives you an opportunity to network among your peers.

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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