Webinar Calendar

Programs are conducted in the WebEx Training Center or GoTo Meeting platforms with a toll-free teleconference or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) option for the audio component. Special software is not required.  You only need a standard web browser and telephone or VoIP capability to participate.

Upcoming events

    • 09/17/2024
    • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    • Virtual

    Are you a:

    • new member of ATD-Los Angeles Chapter and would like to become familiar with the Board, benefits and services
    • potential member that is interested in learning about the chapter and its value
    • new volunteer or an existing volunteer who hasn't attended a new member orientation in a long time?

    This meeting will help you understand how the chapter is structured and provide an overview of its many programs, features, and benefits.

    Make your professional investment count. Whether you are new to the talent management field or a seasoned professional, the chapter provides many opportunities for learning and career growth.

    Come join ATD-Los Angeles and be part of a localized network of colleagues and peers!

    Photography and Video Waiver

    By registering for this event, I do hereby give ATD Los Angeles and and its associates or assigns, or anyone acting under its authority or permission, the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to: capture the image, audio, and content via photograph, videotape, audiotape, transcription, or other means now available, copyright in its own name or otherwise, and use, reuse, publish, and republish any and all material of which I presented, or may have been included in presenting, in whole or in part. I consent to the use of all media now or hereafter known for illustration, promotion, art, editorial, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or products and the advertising copy or other matter that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied. If I do not provide permission, I understand that I will not activate my web camera during virtual sessions.

    Please click here for cancellation and refund policies. We cannot guarantee that webinar/Zoom recordings will be available.

    All ADA accommodations require a seven day advanced notice by email to office@atdla.org so that we can reasonably search for and secure accommodations. ATD-LA cannot guarantee that accommodations can be reasonably secured with shorter notice. ATD-LA will cover costs for accommodations as required by law, for the published duration of the event only

Past events

08/21/2024 Webinar: Gamification for Talent Development — Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
07/16/2024 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
05/21/2024 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
03/19/2024 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
01/16/2024 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
10/26/2023 ATD-LA Mentor Program Wrap Up Celebration
10/25/2023 Webinar: The Future of Instructional Design: AI Tools to Supercharge Learning Content
09/20/2023 Build an Inclusive & Agile Organization - ATD Greater Las Vegas
09/13/2023 Webinar: Meaningful Conversations — Leading Sensitive Conversations with Care
09/05/2023 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
07/18/2023 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
06/16/2023 Webinar: Gamification for Talent Development — Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
05/02/2023 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
04/04/2023 ATD-LA Mentor Program Kick-off Meeting
03/07/2023 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
02/08/2023 Webinar: Inclusive Learning for All — Leveraging Neuroscience for Measurable Impact with Universal Design for Learning
02/02/2023 ATD-LA Mentor Program Information Meeting
01/10/2023 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
10/11/2022 ATD-LA Mentor Program Wrap Up Celebration
10/03/2022 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
09/21/2022 Webinar: Meaningful Conversations — Leading Sensitive Conversations with Care
07/13/2022 Webinar: Augmenting Your Everyday L&D with AR
07/11/2022 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
05/11/2022 Webinar: Gamification for Talent Development — Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
05/02/2022 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
04/13/2022 Webinar: Bless this Mess — How a new type of training analysis can help you embrace uncertainty in ever-changing organizations
03/30/2022 ATD-LA Mentor Program Kick-off Meeting
03/16/2022 Webinar: Results through Relationships Intelligence with the Strength Deployment Inventory 2.0
03/07/2022 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
02/16/2022 Webinar: Win the Hearts and Minds of Your Learners through Animation!
01/27/2022 ATD-LA Mentor Program Information Meeting
01/17/2022 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
10/11/2021 ATD-LA Mentor Program Wrap Up Celebration
10/04/2021 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
09/15/2021 Webinar: Business Financial Intelligence for the Talent Development Professional
08/02/2021 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
05/25/2021 Webinar: Gamification for Talent Development — Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
05/03/2021 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
04/14/2021 Webinar: How to Measure Learning Success in the Workplace — Building Effective Assessments
03/17/2021 Webinar: THRIVE While Working From Home/Living At Work
03/08/2021 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
02/18/2021 ATD SoCal Young Professionals Information Meeting
02/17/2021 Webinar: Future Proof - Unexpected Ways to Develop Talent
01/25/2021 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
11/12/2020 ATD-LA Mentor Program Information Meeting
10/15/2020 October Chapter Meeting [Virtual]: Coaching Culture — Strategies from Exemplary Organizations
10/05/2020 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
08/05/2020 ATD-LA Summer Networking Mixer
08/03/2020 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
07/21/2020 Webinar: Gamification for Talent Development — Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
07/16/2020 July Chapter Meeting [Virtual]: How to Stay Focused and Productive in a Virtual World
07/08/2020 Webinar: Modern Learner Evolution — Developing a Connected Workforce
06/24/2020 Rescheduled May Chapter Meeting: What do Millennials and Gen Z Want in Future Work?
06/10/2020 Webinar - Creating an Online Portfolio that Connects
06/01/2020 ATD Virtual Conference
05/21/2020 RESCHEDULED: May Chapter Meeting [Virtual]: What do Millennials and Gen Z Want in Future Work?
05/04/2020 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
04/29/2020 Webinar: Resume Tips, Tools and Strategies During COVID-19 and Beyond
04/22/2020 Webinar: Coping with Stress and Anxiety during Challenging Times
04/16/2020 ATD-LA Member Social
04/10/2020 5 Keys for Effective Virtual Classroom Training [ATD Webcast]
03/26/2020 Postponed: Webinar - Gamification for Talent Development: Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to entice, engage, and encourage learners
03/02/2020 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
02/06/2020 Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work- Adapt Now or Die!
01/06/2020 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
10/21/2019 ATD-LA Membership Orientation Webinar
08/13/2019 ATD-LA Membership Orientation - Webinar
07/23/2019 Webinar: Curation for Learning: How You Can Leverage Curated Content to Enhance Your Training Programs
05/06/2019 New ATD-LA Member Orientation - Webinar
03/26/2019 New ATD-LA Member Orientation - Webinar
03/07/2019 Webinar - Gamification for Talent Development: Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
08/27/2018 New ATD-LA Member Orientation - Webinar
03/08/2018 Webinar <<Rescheduled>>: Creative Narrative and Story Telling in eLearning
01/12/2018 Webinar: Trends in Virtual Training: Are You Ready?
12/13/2017 Webinar: Mobile Training
10/31/2017 Webinar: Wholeness - The Alternative to Stress, Burnout, Silos and Disengagement.
10/18/2017 New ATD-LA Member Orientation - Webinar
08/17/2017 Webinar: Millennial Training Done Right
06/07/2017 Webinar - Gamification for Talent Development: Deconstructing the Psychology of Games to Entice, Engage, and Encourage Learners
05/17/2017 Webinar - Reframing Feedback to Get the Results You Need
04/26/2017 SIG Organizational Development: Appreciative Leadership in Healthcare: How We Made a Sustainable Difference
04/19/2017 Webinar - The One Page Resume is Here to Stay!
04/12/2017 Webinar: ATD-LA New Member Orientation
03/23/2017 SIG Organizational Development: Coaching - Is it Still the Wild West?
03/15/2017 Webinar - Using Systems Thinking in Social Impact
02/15/2017 Webinar - Titles Aren’t Everything
11/10/2016 ATD Online: Essentials of Adobe Presenter
10/27/2016 SIG Organizational Development: Ergonomics and Organizational Change: Why It’s OD’s Next Hot Trend
10/26/2016 Webinar: Increasing Social Impact Within Your Sphere of Influence
10/12/2016 Webinar: ATD-LA New Member Orientation
08/17/2016 Webinar: Ontology as an Art of Being: Unleashing Talent, Purpose and Motivation
07/16/2016 Webinar: ATD-LA New Member Orientation
07/12/2016 ATD National Online: Essentials of Adobe Presenter
07/06/2016 ATD National Online: Accelerated Learning Certificate
06/23/2016 ATD National Online, Adobe Captivate Certificate
06/15/2016 Webinar: What Sets You Apart?: Articulating Your Value in the Workplace
05/18/2016 Webinar: Ten Lessons Learned Starting, Sustaining and Growing a Business
05/16/2016 ATD-ICE Webinar: Adaptive Learning: Unleashing the Holy Grail of Deep Learning Measurement
05/07/2016 SIG Organizational Development: Leveraging Technology to Transform Individuals & Organizations
04/20/2016 ATD National Online: Essentials of Adobe Presenter
04/19/2016 Webinar: Power-up Your SME Interviewer Skills
03/30/2016 SIG Organizational Development: Developing Effective Leaders: What Works? What's New?
03/23/2016 VIRTUAL: Peter Block Explains Why Many Change Efforts Fail
03/08/2016 ATD National, Change Management Certificate
02/12/2016 ATD National Online, Consulting Skills Certificate
02/09/2016 Webinar: Thinking Outside the Virtual Training Box
12/17/2015 The Neuroscience of Leadership
12/16/2015 Virtual Effectiveness
12/09/2015 Succession Planning
10/22/2015 Webinar: Cross-Generational Mentoring: How Social and Informal Learning Can Create Win-Win Mentoring Opportunities
08/22/2015 CPLP Study Group: Final Prep and wrap up
08/22/2015 CPLP Study Group: The Work Product
08/15/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 10 Change Management
08/15/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 9 Knowledge Management
07/18/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 8 Coaching
07/18/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 7 Integrated Talent Management
06/20/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 6 Managing Learning
06/20/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 5 Evaluating Learning
05/16/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 4 Learning Technologies
05/16/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 3 Training Delivery
04/18/2015 CPLP Study Group: AOE 2 Instructional Design
04/18/2015 CPLP Study Group Series: AOE 1 Performance Improvement
03/28/2015 Webinar: ATD-LA New Member Orientation
03/17/2015 Webinar: CPLP Program & ATD-LA Study Group Overview
01/27/2015 Webinar: So No One Told You You’re A Marketeer?
12/17/2014 Webinar: Selecting Your Ideal Learning Management System
11/06/2014 Webinar: Does your thinking limit your success? Of course it does!
10/07/2014 Webinar: Leadership Through Storytelling
07/22/2014 Webinar: Develop an Effective Mentoring Program
06/24/2014 Webinar ~ Bring Your Mojo to the Virtual Classroom
05/29/2014 Webinar: Boost Your Credibility with the CPLP® Certification
04/10/2014 Webinar: How to Have a Fierce and Difficult Conversation
02/25/2014 Webinar: The Magic of Strengths-based Training: Helping Your Clients Unleash Creativity & Innovation
12/17/2013 Webinar: Using the Purpose Quadrant to Create Meaning and Money
11/12/2013 Webinar: Increasing Positive Influence with Emotional Intelligence
10/22/2013 Webinar: Observe - Connect - Influence: Bringing the "Dark Arts" of Influence into the Light
08/27/2013 Webinar: Thiagi and Tracy’s Favorite Jolts for Webinars
05/28/2013 Webinar: Coaching, Developing and Training at the Team Level
04/26/2013 Special Division: Technical Training: SIMULCAST - Workshop: Basics of Creating a Captivate Simulation
04/23/2013 Webinar: Training Om: Mindfulness at Work
03/26/2013 Webinar: Creating Influence and Authority Using Social Media
02/26/2013 Webinar: Using Championship Memory Techniques to Make Learning Stick
01/22/2013 Webinar: Visual Language ~ Your Brain on Graphics

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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