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Free Special Event
(This will take the place of our Monthly Chapter Meeting)
ASTD-LA’s Leadership Involvement Day is your opportunity to network with your peers, learn a new facilitation technique, and help create the future of ASTD-LA! This is the event for you to add YOUR input and vision to help shape our chapter as we move into 2015.
Experience The Gold of the Desert Kings workshop. This must-attend event is for ALL MEMBERS, as well as prospective members.
The Experience
Teams rush to compete against each other in this challenging race across the desert. What’s the goal? Battle the elements to get to the mountains to mine for as much gold as possible and return home alive. Teams are forced to be as productive as possible with limited time and resources. Participants will experience the benefits of teamwork, planning, setting goals and taking necessary risks.
In this interactive session, our members will get an impression of the power of experiential learning. Using this technique in training can facilitate training transfer. Participants get the opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice and build conviction to use the learned skills in the workplace.
Gold of the Desert Kings addresses the issue of effort versus productivity. Participants are placed in circumstances with limited time and resources and must rely on their team to achieve their goals. The pressures and anxiety experienced in Gold of the Desert Kings are similar to those experienced daily in a hectic work schedule. Participants contend with deadlines, a perceived lack of resources, others’ point of view and the pressure to just do something while trying to accomplish team objectives.
Key Learning Points
- Connect with the power of experiential learning by participating in a live experience
- Improve the decision making process
- Make strides toward transforming a group into a team
- Discover how productivity-driven behavior begins with the end in mind
- Understand how to work smarter, not harder
Facilitator Bio
Ben Torrie is the account executive and facilitator at Eagle’s Flight for the Western United States, based in Orange County, CA. Ben has made it a priority to partner with his clients so they are better able to seize emerging opportunities, drive human performance and thrive in today’s volatile market place. Ben has earned his a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership, from University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
About Eagles Flight
Content and Experiential Learning Overview

Breakfast will be served.
Registration is free, but please RSVP early so we can be sure to accommodate all of our attendees.
Location: The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 617 W. 7th Street, Room 913-915, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Parking is available in local lots. See map (Note: Rates may have changed.)