The Coach’s Dilemma with Scott Wimer
Actually, coaches don’t just have one dilemma. They have are many.
For example:
> How to coach someone who may not have the necessary skills or motivation
> What to do when you don’t understand the technical aspects of the person’s job or what they need to learn
> How to help potential clients understand the value of coaching
> What to do when the boss requests coaching, and after you get started, you discover they have a hidden agenda
> How to handle fundamental disagreements you have with the person you’re coaching
Bring your coaching challenges and questions! We will have a working session to help you develop and refine your coaching skills. And, we will look at how to handle some of the trickier coaching dilemmas.
Our Presenter: Scott Wimer:
Scott Wimer, Ph.D. is principal of Wimer Associates, a Santa Monica-based consulting firm. He has been an organization development consultant and executive coach for over 25 years. He has held positions in organization development at General Dynamics, Kaiser Permanente, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
Scott specializes in leadership coaching, 360º feedback, change management, team building, and conflict management. He also leads seminars and workshops on topics including Communication, Managing Change, and Coaching for Performance. His clients include major companies in health care, hospitality, high tech, engineering, professional services, maritime, financial services, internet, biotech, aerospace, advertising, utilities, education, the arts, government, and nonprofit agencies.
As a coach, Scott works with C-level executives, managers and professionals across a wide range of industries. He is very skilled at helping people identify and capitalize on their strengths, and also at helping them overcome areas of difficulty and potential career derailment. His coaching clients often achieve substantial improvements in their leadership skills, as well as their work satisfaction and career success.
Scott has a practical, hands-on approach and he relates well to people at all levels of an organization. He has published articles in Training and Development (T + D), Executive Excellence, The OD Practitioner, Consultation, and the Los Angeles Times. His work has been featured in the videos “Situational Coaching,” “Learning from 360º Feedback,” and “Continuous Team Development.” Scott has a Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA with a concentration in Organizational and Behavioral Science from the Anderson School of Management. He has a B.A. in psychology from the University of Rochester, and he has studied at the University of London. Also, Scott teaches at UCLA and Loyola Marymount University.

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