This event has reached maximum capacity.
No walk-ins. The hotel and chapter will not be able to honor additional people.
Click here to register for our December event:

Seating Limited to 50 attendees
Member's Guests and Non Members Welcomed
ATD-LA’s Member Appreciation Day is your opportunity to network with colleagues and experts. Meet with the Board as they share news and information about the chapter. This event is limited to 50 participants.
Building a Culture of Trust
As the global leader in performance improvement, FranklinCovey has partnered with ATD-LA to bring members and non-members this session.
Key Concepts
- What are the costs of low trust in an organization?
- The framework for creating high trust (5 waves of trust)
- Focus on tangible application of building self-trust (credibility) and relationship trust (behaviors).
Strong cultures are conscious creations
Where are you coming from and where do you want to go? We provide the connection and help you to choose your own organizational culture. Based on the people, the processes and the unwritten rules of the organization. This is the way to develop a culture that is authentic and true. Without that conscious choice, all you can do is rely on what is “in” at any particular moment or the whim of the day. Culture is a constant, so ensure that you steer it consciously.
Leaders are the key
Behavioral change among employees requires the organization’s leaders to be consistent in leading by example. Only then can you break the cycle of old patterns and habits. That’s when you work on #winningculture
Employees are only willing to bring their own behavior in line with the corporate ethics if they trust their leaders. So leaders must themselves display the desired behavior, they need to deliberately encourage it among their employees and be consistent in correcting undesired behavior. They need to grasp and accept their choices with all the consequences. Only then will they gain the confidence that the corporate ambition is authentic and genuine.
The session will feature the impacts that culture has on businesses.
Leena Rinne works with clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to local businesses to create effective cultures, develop leaders and increase productivity. Currently in her tenth year with FranklinCovey, Leena was part of the innovation team that developed FranklinCovey’s core solutions, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Edition and The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity. More

Meeting Agenda
- 6:00 - 6:30 pm Registration & Networking
- 6:30 - 7:30 pm Dinner service during announcements
- 6:50 - 7:00 pm Chapter Announcements
- 7:00 - 8:30 pm Featured Speaker Presentation
- 8:00 – 8:50 pm Closing announcements
- 8:50 - 9:00 pm Meeting Adjourned

This session is eligible for SHRM recertification credits: 16-MSXNP

Registration includes dinner
- Coffee, Hot Tea, Iced Tea and Water
- Buffet: Lemon chicken breast, mixed green salad
- NY cheesecake with strawberry sauce
Vegetarian and gluten options, notify us at registration check-out.

Registration is free for active ATD-LA members and we require registration early to accommodate attendees. Non members are welcome to attend and join the chapter too.

Parking onsite is offered at a discounted rate of $7 and can be included with your registration at checkout. Otherwise, you can purchase onsite parking at the event full price, the discount will not be offered at the event.
No exceptions.

Please click here for cancellation and refund policies.