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GIG Conejo Valley

  • 08/04/2017
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM (PDT)
  • University of Farmers, Farmers Insurance, 30801 Agoura Rd., Agoura Hills, CA


  • ISPI LA, OD in LA, OD Network, ATD OC

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“On-Camera Presence, Polish & Delivery”
Projecting Your Best Self Online, via Webinars and Video

Presented by Steve Ford
Distance Learning Specialist, Trainer & Broadcaster

Many are familiar with the famous line, “Beam me up Scotty!” from TV’s Star Trek characters in the commands to the Starship Enterprise to be transported across space and time. Yet even in that future world the technology process of moving our heroes sometimes got fragmented and fizzled.

Back here in the present we face our own growing need to successfully “transport  ourselves” through our on-camera presence in the realms of distance learning, virtual environments and via online interaction. In these ‘new worlds’ of our appearing via technology, our “virtual presence” is being redefined and destined to become increasingly important as we continue to engage our audiences in the training world.

We are all closer to having regular needs to be effectively and successfully “beamed up” beyond being only ‘talking heads’ in our instructional delivery and education efforts. The goal of this ATD Conejo Valley presentation is to increase our understanding of principles and techniques of on-camera presence and provide insights and tips to grow in our competence and confidence.

We will review the impact of on-camera delivery and how it can be leveraged for greater effectiveness by our expanded awareness and simple integration of key steps. Then we will demonstrate an audience opportunity to stage and embrace and apply proven techniques. All of us will share the benefits of spotlighting best practices and viewing a real-world, real-time sample ‘On-Camera’ staging, delivery and audience participation & interaction. 

Steve Ford has an M.A. in Educational Technology & Instructional Design from MSU and a B.A. in Speech Communication from CSUN, along with professional certification as an IDL (Interactive Distance Learning) Specialist from G.M. University and is a multiple national award-winning radio and TV broadcaster as both a TV news reporter and TV series host with the HGTV/DIY Network, as well as an ongoing consumer and feature reporter in radio broadcasting. He also serves clients as a professional voice-over specialist and broadcast coach for both commercial and educational audio/video.

If you have any questions about the Conejo Valley Special Interest Group orif you are interested in sharing your expertise and leading a session please contact Valorie Avedisian and Ray Sullivan at conejo@atdla.org

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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