The California School of Professional Psychology and the Association for Talent Development – Los Angeles Chapter Invite you to
Appreciative Leadership in Healthcare: How We Made a Sustainable Difference
With Fiona MacNeill, speaker, and panelists Jonathan Troper, PhD, Kopitzee Parra-Thornton, PhD (St. Joseph Health, Mission Hospital), Manuella Abrahamian, PhD (Kaiser Permanente)
Location: Room B101 @ Alliant International University in Alhambra (East of DTLA) 1000 S. Fremont Ave. Alhambra 91803
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Dinner at 6:00 p.m. ($20 per person)
Presentation/Discussion from 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
RSVP: Please RSVP Your Attendance.
ATD Members and Non-Members with Dinner-$20
ATD Members without Dinner arriving at 6:45 p.m.-$10
Non-Members without Dinner arriving at 6:45 p.m.-$10
Alliant Students, Faculty and Staff: Please RSVP to Dmitri Ranieri.
Please RSVP and we will send you a weekly email with information on the case study.
What happens when a leader sees the need for values to be reflected in behaviour, to guide decisions and to create difference?
The CEO of a large healthcare system in the north of England, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust (LCFT) believed that leadership was everybody’s day job and wanted to create the environment where the culture of values driven leadership could be developed. This challenge was at the heart of a European Tendering Process won by FMA in 2010.
How did FMA respond to the challenge?
FMA designed, developed and evaluated an Appreciative Leadership Development Programme, which ran from 2011-2016. Appreciative Leadership Development is a transformational strengths-based approach that sees the leader as a thinker and facilitator; creating space for inquiry and conversation, supporting teams to become communities of purpose and contributing to organizational development. It is underpinned by the theory of Appreciative Inquiry and Whole Systems Change.
How can you as a development provider deliver sustainable difference using conversation and inquiry?
The purpose of the session is to demonstrate from this real case study how organizational values can be at the heart of the design of appreciative leadership development programs and to analyse the significant impact of the method of delivery and engagement with participants. The learning environment may be viewed as a microcosm of organizational life where thinking can change, understanding can deepen and assumptions can be explored through the use of appreciative inquiry and conversations. The session will share design formats, the levels of engagement and response and share stories about what did and didn’t work.
Please RSVP and we will send you a weekly email with information on the case study.
Fiona MacNeill Chartered Fellow Institute of Personnel and Development (UK)
A unique opportunity to share learning with a Scottish based People Development Consultancy. Fiona MacNeill is the Founding Director of Fiona MacNeill Asscociates. Fiona and her team lead large scale leadership development programmes in the public and private sectors in the UK since 1996. Fiona has over 30 years’ experience as a training and development professional working across the public, private and voluntary sectors. From training with community groups and unemployed young people in the 1980’s to founding Fiona MacNeill Associates (FMA) in 1996, Fiona’s fascination with the synchronicity between creativity, relationships and effectiveness has continued to inform her practice. Fiona leads a team of highly motivated, committed and experienced professionals and plays a pivotal role in creating an organisation that strives to function as a community of purpose. Over the last 20 years the team have delivered large scale leadership development programmes (100- 3000 participants) in the public and private sectors. FMA has a particular interest and experience in Healthcare systems.

Directions: 1000 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803-1360
Building B1, Room 101
10 Fwy E towards San Bernardino
EXIT Fremont going North toward the mountains.
CROSS intersection @ Valley Blvd.
After double intersection at Mission turn RIGHT into first driveway
1000 Fremont – The Alhambra.
Tell guard at booth you're visiting Alliant.
Park in Visitor Parking. (free if you leave after 9:00pm; $3.00 before)
Walk under green awning at north end of visitor parking.
Continue up the path, pass several building entrances, and pass the ALLIANT building
B1 building is on your left after the slight incline.
Turn left up a few steps at the south end of the building.
Enter the double doorway in front of you. Signs will be posted directing you.
Once inside, walk straight pass the reception desk down a hallway turn right at the end of the hallway to the first door on your right will be Room 101/103.
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