The Association for Talent Development-Los Angeles Organization Development Special Interest Group, OD in LA, and Alliant International University invite you to a simulation workshop:
Socio-technical Systems (STS) Interventions:
Why They’re about to Become Important Again and How They Work
“A theory is only as good as how well it explains reality”
Thursday March 28, 2019 at Alliant International University
Cutoff for dinner registration is 12 noon, Wednesday March 27th!
Walkins welcome for program at 6:50.
- 6:00pm Self-paid dinner through OD in L.A. and ATD-LA
- 6:50pm Introductions: Meet the speaker and the participants
- 7:00pm STS and the “Flying Starship Factory” Workshop
- 9:00pm Adjourn

OD practitioners understand the notion that an organization is a “system”, and that changes in one part of that system can have consequences for other parts of the system. Changes in the compensation system can impact productivity and sales in unpredictable ways. A new software program can promise improved efficiencies, but if isn’t accepted by workers this promise will ultimately fail. Unless proposed improvement projects examine and address changes to the entire system, they result in piecemeal changes that fail to achieve intended benefits.
Sometimes, an old solution becomes new again. Over half a century ago, in a somewhat unlikely setting – the coalfields of Yorkshire, England – the “socio-technical systems” (STS) intervention approach was born. Today, with the advent of artificial intelligence and “co-bots” working with humans, STS is making a comeback.
Early descriptions of STS failed to offer OD practitioners a “roadmap” to apply the theory to the design of work systems in order to realize the joint benefits of increased productivity AND increased worker satisfaction.
At the March 28th OD in L.A./ATD-LA event at CSPP, you will get an experiential introduction from Cris Hagen to a set of tools for analyzing a work system and designing solutions to achieve measurable improvements to both productivity and worker satisfaction. Come prepared to participate in “The Flying Starship Factory”, and experience first-hand the impact of work design on productivity and morale. Learn about the Variance Matrix and the GAIL analysis and how these tools can be used to identify improvement opportunities.
Cris Hagen, MS, has worked in Organization and Leadership Development for over 35 years. He has led numerous successful large-scale change initiatives that involve implementing new systems, culture change, and improving employee engagement. Cris has led internal OD and Leadership Development activities at San Diego Gas & Electric, Rockwell International, Prudential Healthcare, Semtech Corporation, and Ixia Communications. As a consultant, he has led change management and culture change initiatives for companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Beckman Coulter, STERIS Corporation, Applied Materials, Farmers Insurance, Amgen, and Southern California Edison. Cris’ passion is leadership coaching and designing and facilitating leadership team building workshops.
1000 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803-1360
Building B, Room 101/103 & 102 for pre-paid dinner
Directions to Alliant Building B from the 710 Fwy:
- 710 N to end of Fwy.
- Right on Valley. Go about 3 more lights and get into double left-turn lane.
- Left on Fremont.
- Go through next 2 lights (Mission and 1000 Fremont)
- Right on Orange Avenue,
- Right at the first driveway after LA Fitness.
- Drive past the back of the LA Fitness building and take a right into the LA Fitness (B2) Parking Structure.
- Pull a ticket and park ($5 per car).
- Walk out of parking structure and head south along the red brick path.
- The B1 building is the first building you come to along the path.
- Pass the green awning and turn right to walk up a few steps and walk along the south end of the building.
- Walk under the archway and along the walkway that hugs the south side of the building, with a courtyard down below you on the left.
- Enter the doorway and go straight.
- Room 102 is in front of you at the end of the hall, with tables for eating your pre-paid dinner , and
- Room 101/103 where speaking will take place is the first and second door on your right when you're standing outside Room 102.
If you want to avoid the $5 parking cost, you can park in the visitor parking lot (like in days gone by). Drive north on Fremont from Valley Blvd, go 100 feet past Mission Ave. and turn right at the driveway to The Alhambra parking lot. Take a ticket at the guard hut and turn left at the first opportunity. Walk north under the green awning at the north end of the parking lot, up the red brick road past the Alliant entrance, up a slight hill and turn left up the short flight of steps. After 9:00pm or a bit earlier, the gate is open, and no one is there to take money.
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