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Webinar: Modern Learner Evolution — Developing a Connected Workforce

  • 07/08/2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual


  • Membership benefit

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Digital disruption is far more than a dot on the workplace horizon; the ripple effects continue to influence the workforce. Leaders must provide support for learning in the workforce, but today’s workers must also own the role of being continuous, connected learners. Meeting the Fourth Industrial Revolution demands workers who think beyond passively participating in provided learning experiences. They need to become active participants, engaging in the learning enterprise and shaping their personal learner journeys. Join GP Strategies’ Chief Learning and Innovation Officer Matt Donovan as he explores strategies for developing continuous and connected learners who maintain their lifelong learning journeys.

In this session, we will:

  • Recognize the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s impact on the workplace
  • Explore the ways learners access today’s learning to create meaningful learning journeys
  • Identify ways to harness technology to enable a continuous and connected learner
  • Analyze tools to support designers and developers as they create the ecosystem for generating success

Your Presenter

As GP Strategies’ Chief Learning and Innovation Officer, Matt Donovan brings more than 25 years of experience. Throughout his career, he has helped support a wide range of Global Fortune 500 companies through significant transformation initiatives. Not only has he been recognized through industry awards, his articles are regularly published and presented at a variety of national and international conferences. He has an M.S. in instructional systems technology from Indiana University.

ATD-LA is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRMSCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 1 PDC. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit shrmcertification.org.

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ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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