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  • OD SIG [Virtual]: How OD Can Drive Anti-Racism — Personal Learning and Implicit Bias

OD SIG [Virtual]: How OD Can Drive Anti-Racism — Personal Learning and Implicit Bias

  • 08/18/2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (PDT)
  • Virtual - Link provided upon registration


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ATD-LA Organization Development SIG and OD in LA invite you to an engaging workshop...

How OD Can Drive Anti-Racism: Personal Learning and Implicit Bias

Panelists: Dr. Roland Livingston; Rita Wuebbeler; Gamal Palmer; Dr. Gena Yuvette Davis

Moderator: Dr. Scott Wimer

Please join us for an important conversation about self-reflection and awareness regarding our own bias and how we can grow. We will first examine the concept of implicit bias, and then focus more specifically on understanding and dealing with racism.

We will have a panel consisting of Dr. Roland Livingston, a seasoned OD consultant, executive coach and educator; Rita Wuebbeler, President of INTERGLOBE Cross-Cultural Business Services; Gamal Palmer, Founder and CEO of Global Eye, and Senior Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, and Dr. Gena Yuvette Davis, Founder and CEO of True Synergy, Inc. Dr. Scott Wimer of Wimer Associates will moderate the panel, and Paul Tevis, an expert in virtual facilitation, will manage the Zoom technology. This promises to be a highly interactive session.

If you know people who want to receive the ATD-LA Organization Development invitations to monthly events, please have them subscribe by sending a message to od@atdla.org.

For more information, contact od@atdla.org.

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ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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