There is a science behind how to use our brain to change in order to foster collaboration, innovation, and creativity within a culture, and how to lead with emotional intelligence. This content is based on more than 25 years of groundbreaking research in neuroscience that is only now making its way into corporations and organizations worldwide. We are witnessing unprecedented changes within organizations in such areas as technology, speed to market, behavior and attitudes, talent, and so much more. This session will offer practical models and tools that can be implemented immediately to initiate this process of transformation.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session you will learn:
- A method of engaging your brain to create and sustain desired results and outcomes
- A Model for Leading & Managing Change
- How to go from living in survival (stress) to living in creation
- How to use a tool for overcoming any challenge or obstacle
Judy Hersch, PMP, has 20 years of corporate training and leadership experience in optimizing global teams for top organizations in industries such as biotech, pharmaceutical, IT, and manufacturing. Her company, Evolution Solutions, understands the day-to-day challenges leaders and organizations face in achieving goals and objectives, driving innovation, and enabling organization and strategic alignment.
As a certified NeuroChangeSolutions Consultant, she teaches a unique methodology of how to engage your brain to produce desired results and outcomes, and how to continue producing new levels of success in all areas of life – personally and professionally.
One of her greatest passions is transferring this knowledge in such a practical and relatable way that her audiences walk away with not only an entirely new perspective, but also real-world, easily implementable tools that can quickly change their lives for the better.
6:30 pm - 7 pm: Check In and Networking
7 pm - 8:30 pm: Program (all programs begin promptly at 7pm)
8:30 pm - 9 pm: Informal Networking
ATD Capability Model

ATD Talent Development Capability Model Covered by the Presentation:
Building Personal Capability: Collaboration and Emotional Intelligence
Impacting Organizational Capability: Culture Transformation and Facilitating Organizational Change
Developing Professional Capability: Coaching

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