When We Have to Learn By Unlearning
Please note our new time!
Join your colleagues as we meet virtually to read and discuss cutting-edge articles of interest to our discipline. Today's discussion will be inspired by an article entitled When We Have to Learn By Unlearning. Laura Braeunig will be our RoundTable facilitator.
To benefit most, download and copy the article for your use during the session.
Our Session Format
The RoundTable is an exciting approach that stimulates incredible conversation and insight around the topics and trends impacting our discipline.
We will read the selected piece aloud together for about 15 minutes. Then for the next 45 minutes, we offer everyone in attendance equal time to share their thoughts and experiences on or around the topic. Come explore with us!
The GEMS RoundTable format is provided by Sue Gabriele, President and Owner, Gabriele Educational Materials and Systems.
Website: www.gemslearning.net
Email: sgabriele@gemslearning.net
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