As learning and development professionals, we are constantly looking for better ways to create effective and engaging experiences for our learners. How we develop scenarios, hands-on experiences, and job-aids will help build a foundation for quality work and efficient processes. When looking at how to create these experiences we have a lot of tools and techniques available. One of the most powerful new tools in that toolbox is augmented reality (AR).
During the session, we will be reviewing the tools, techniques, and best practices to enhance your everyday L&D designs to include augmented reality. You will examine multiple learning design scenarios and explore best practices on how AR can enhance them. You will review common AR development tools and techniques and explore how they can be used to supplement your blended learning approach. You will experience examples of AR enhancements and then apply that knowledge to build on your own.
Attendee Takeaways
- Experience how adding AR segments to your blended learning solutions enhances engagement and solidifies learning.
- Experience an AR-enhanced learning experience demo.
- How to enhance an existing learning project through Storyline and/or other modalities.
- Explore something innovative to set your learning solutions apart
Your Presenter

Betty Dannewitz is an Immersive Experience Designer with over 18 years in corporate learning and development. She is also a Speaker, Podcaster, and High Performance Coach. Betty’s passion is to help people become better humans and she advocates that innovative technology, like augmented reality, has a HUGE role in making that happen.
Interested in going deeper with a 2-session hands-on experience?
Click here for information on the ATD-Orange County Chapter Workshop.

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