Want to personalize learning without designing individual experiences for every learner? Then flip the script and put your people in charge of their improvement.
In this session, James McKenna will provide an overview of Universal Design for Learning, a research-based framework that leverages what we know about how people learn to enhance skill and will in any context.
By the end of the session, you will be able to:
- Explain and apply the learning triangle to support the whole learner
- Increasing the flexibility of your support without compromising the firmness of your goals
- Make incremental improvements to existing environments and assets to support more learners and build your proficiency
Your Presenter
James McKenna, Ed.D., is a learning leader, thinker, consultant, designer, trainer, speaker, and author. His first book, “Upskills, Reskill, Thrive!” was released in January of this year A nationally-recognized expert in inclusive learning, James will be presenting on UDL at the Training 2023 Conference and Expo in Orlando, Fl and the 2023 ATD International Expo in San Diego, CA.. James is a member of both ATD-LA and ATD National and was part of the team that relaunched the ATD-LA Mentor program in 2021.

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