An agile organization is quick and resilient when responding to changes in the marketplace, environment, or the organization itself. These organizations build leaders who create inclusive cultures where team members feel seen, valued inspired, and choose to contribute their best. Inclusive leadership combined with a predictive change model helps create a level of agility that breed ongoing innovation and success.
Join Franklin Covey and ATD Greater Las Vegas for a live event on how to build an inclusive organization that proactively harnesses change and breakthrough results.
During this event, we will highlight how leaders can:
- Connect to understand every person's unique skills and needs.
- Create opportunity by looking for potential in every team member and addressing barriers to success
- Cultivate inclusion by engaging the team to shape and sustain culture.
- Lead people through the uncertainties of change to the opportunities and innovations evident in an agile organization.
This will be a hybrid event. (NOTE: This registration is for VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE. There is a different event posted for in-person registrations). This event will grant 1.5 CEU's toward ATPD/CPTD Certification.
Your Presenter
Heather White has a passion for helping others unleash their full potential to generate maximum performance and productivity. As a former Theater major, Heather is comfortable on the "facilitation stage", where she uses energy, "straight talk", and empowerment, to help leaders at all levels create lasting behavior changes. Heather brings over 25 years of people development, sales management, and operational excellence in both the private and public sectors to Franklin Covey. Heather previously served as a senior leader at a telecom company with a market capitalization of $165B . She led countless people initiatives that helped positions the organization to grow at exponential rates, now exceeding $80B in annual revenues. Most recently, she led organizational development for a local municipality in Arizona that was voted "Best Place to live in Arizona in 2022." Heather's footprints are pronounces in this town where the population has increased by over 770% in the past three decades.
To register for this event, please visit
ATD-LA members can register using the ATD Las Vegas Chapter Partner rate of $5.

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