Do you always have adequate time, money and resources to build out your learning programs? If your answer is yes, then we need you to present at an upcoming chapter meeting and let us in on your secret. For everyone else, our February chapter meeting will offer you some insights, strategies and tools to use as you build, borrow or buy your way through your next instructional design project.
Join Brian Washburn, past-President of the ATD Puget Sound chapter (and author of the recently released book, Instructional Design on a Shoestring) to explore some instructional design basics as well as some creative ways to use both formal and informal learning to meet your organization's learning needs. Plus, one lucky attendee will leave with a copy of his new book (and everyone in attendance will leave with a host of job aids, resources and other materials from the book)!
- 6:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Check-In and Networking
- 7:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Announcements & Speaker Introduction
- 7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Presentation and Q&A
Your Presenter
Brian Washburn is the co-founder and CEO of Endurance Learning, a custom instructional design firm specializing in elearning and in-person training development for organizations big and small, for- and nonprofit. He's also an author, a sought-after speaker and an experienced instructional designer who has been working in the field of learning and development for more than two decades. His standing within the greater learning and development community has afforded Brian unique opportunities to exchange ideas with some of the most well-known and innovative practitioners in the field.
Brian’s work has been published in TD magazine, the monthly trade magazine for the Association of Talent Development (ATD), and he was named a Top Young Trainer by Training Magazine in 2011. Brian’s first book, What’s Your Formula? Combine Learning Elements for Impactful Training, was published by ATD Press in June 2021. Modeled on the original periodic table of elements, the book explores a wide range of approaches to organizational training needs and new ideas and ways to organize the design of learning programs. His second book, Instructional Design on a Shoestring, was just released in January 2024, and provides strategies and templates for individuals to put together engaging, effective learning experiences even when faced with limited resources. Brian holds an MA in Organizational Development.
ATD Capability Model

ATD Talent Development Capability Model Covered by the Presentation:
Developing Professional Capability: Instructional Design

ATD Los Angeles Chapter has been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute to offer educational programs that can be used towards initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials.
This program qualifies for a maximum of 1 point.
Find out more about APTD/CPTD Certifications here.

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