September Presidents Message

09/19/2015 7:37 AM | Anthony Lewis

Special Renewal Offer and My Leave of Absence

This month, my team and I would like to extend a special invitation to our former members to discover ATD-LA’s new event formats at a discounted rate. All lapsed members will receive an email with instructions to redeem this discounted rate.

This year, we implemented many changes for our chapter, such as:

  • Updated chapter website
  • Short "TEDTalk" style chapter meeting
  • More networking time
  • Certification programs, such as DISC (09 24/25)
  • Monthly themes for events

Increased membership numbers and the feedback we received showed us that our members like and appreciate these changes. We’d love to invite our former members back to experience our new event formats for themselves.

On a personal note, September will be my last full month in my role as President. My husband and I welcome our first baby who will make his big entrance in early November. We’re very excited.

I will start my ATD maternity leave in mid-October. Anthony Lewis, our 2015 President Elect, will take over chapter leadership a bit earlier than anticipated. Anthony and I have partnered in our efforts to lead the chapter and to implement change for the past year. I’m very glad to leave the chapter in his capable hands. I look forward to continuing my work with ATD-LA in 2016 in my role as Past President.

ATD-Los Angeles Chapter
9852 W. Katella Ave. #187
Anaheim, CA 92804
Chapter Code: CH8028

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